Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009
nuu : what the fuck was the maid thinking? holy, that kid is not even your chold, how can you even take care of your OWN child when you can't even take care of someonelse's child?
enough said - You dont deserve one.
teng : How could anyone abuse a defenseless child? Most of us can’t imagine what would make an adult abuse a child. The worse the behavior is, the more unimaginable it seems. Yet sadly, child abuse is much more common then you might think. Child abuse cuts across social classes and all ethnicities. And the abuse overwhelmingly is at the hands of those who are supposed to be protecting the child- the parents.

its sunday. guess who's birthday today? happy 15th birthday to leiyla :DDDDD have a blast, ly.hugs, fatin.