Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010
as a matter of fact is everybody seems to be busy with their own life,
i want to go but i just don't know where to turn to.
i just don't understand with this whole situation.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

these photos was taken by me :)
ove you aweeesh. (poklen) hahahahaha.
i'm so proud of you sayang, eeeeyaaaaaa :p
i'm so proud of you sayang, eeeeyaaaaaa :p
imma bored right now. i want to go to gadong later to watch freezle's performance so baaaad. who wants to come with me? (sounds desperate) :P c nuu inda jadi cause her mum didn't let she go, the other busy, my cousin didn't reply my message, my boyfriend ofcourse tired ni after the football match tadi. so i might be going there alone.. enjoy tah saja seorang ni.

Friday, May 14, 2010
im having my f&n test tommorow, but i havent revised any :S entah, i don't feel like studying. nada mood. karang saja subuh revise, hopefully.
oh yeah. this is a random post!

i really love you, love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

i'm trying to be friend with you, but yeah, i'm sorry. i can't :S i just don't know why, precisely maybe because i'm so choosy in pickin friends.
you're a friend of my boyfriend, don't be such an arrogant yaite? and stop humilating me :) i'm noo- such- an- itchy- girl that wants to be famous just by being- friends- with- guys.
I AM ME, AND I'VE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHO CAN BE MY FRIENDS. (im-noo-friendly) jangan tah kau kambang di sanaa atuuu :8) its not that i hate you or what so ever, its just i don't like the way you're :) seeking attention, i must say. " ucap orang lain poklen, diri atu poklen jua :p " opppps. sorry, i mean all of your photos. poklen ah. and your atu last name. anak orang putih kan? banar dih? hahahaha. rasanya anak melayu anak brunei nosah tah kan be last name orang putih :8) bila nama bapa saman, saman jua kakal tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :p hahaha.
told you earlier not to mess with me :)
i never rude to people, i've manners and my parents teach me to be a good person since i was a kid.
i seldom mad, and i really hate fightin. but since you started it, and okay lets i ended all of this.
i hate it when people judge me in thaaaat- way- " i respect you as a human and you respect me as a human too. i have feelings, dear. " yowdig?
eventho, i'm a daughter of a teacher doesn't mean you can humilate me owwkaaay? remember that IM JUST A NORMAL PERSON LIKE YOU GUYS :]
cuba tah ahh, apa apa ani bawa besabar? ani marah tarus tarus tapi arah tempat ia marah ani tempat orang yang nada salah? NADA TAH KAU MALU TUUUUU? lapas atu minta maaaf? APAKAN. diam saja ah kalau terasa :O
gila, this week really stressed- me- off! i really need some refreshment, picnic would be okaaay :P
I AM ME, AND I'VE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHO CAN BE MY FRIENDS. (im-noo-friendly) jangan tah kau kambang di sanaa atuuu :8) its not that i hate you or what so ever, its just i don't like the way you're :) seeking attention, i must say. " ucap orang lain poklen, diri atu poklen jua :p " opppps. sorry, i mean all of your photos. poklen ah. and your atu last name. anak orang putih kan? banar dih? hahahaha. rasanya anak melayu anak brunei nosah tah kan be last name orang putih :8) bila nama bapa saman, saman jua kakal tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :p hahaha.
told you earlier not to mess with me :)
i never rude to people, i've manners and my parents teach me to be a good person since i was a kid.
i seldom mad, and i really hate fightin. but since you started it, and okay lets i ended all of this.
i hate it when people judge me in thaaaat- way- " i respect you as a human and you respect me as a human too. i have feelings, dear. " yowdig?
eventho, i'm a daughter of a teacher doesn't mean you can humilate me owwkaaay? remember that IM JUST A NORMAL PERSON LIKE YOU GUYS :]
cuba tah ahh, apa apa ani bawa besabar? ani marah tarus tarus tapi arah tempat ia marah ani tempat orang yang nada salah? NADA TAH KAU MALU TUUUUU? lapas atu minta maaaf? APAKAN. diam saja ah kalau terasa :O
gila, this week really stressed- me- off! i really need some refreshment, picnic would be okaaay :P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

is two time forgiving you is not enough? it is good if you bringing up my name if all of that are true, but the fact is inda banar kan? you're saying that i'm a drama girl but see.. who's the drama girl now? am i not being too generous for you? hmmm. i really need time to think over all about this, is not easy because i don't have an angel name on my head. i'm a normal person, think again my friend i've a tiny little heart :)
after all i did for you, but this is what i get. i never mad when you cheated on my work, i taught you about maths and some subs since you told me that you didnt understand. i thought that you're my friend that never would break my heart but i guess i was wrong. yeah. you're right " we NEVER EVER be friends again. " i'll remember that in my whole life. :) im sayin that. you're such a fake. (no offence) you said to me that " you're not good at fighting but see? who started it? " lameo? i knowwwwww right :8)
after all i did for you, but this is what i get. i never mad when you cheated on my work, i taught you about maths and some subs since you told me that you didnt understand. i thought that you're my friend that never would break my heart but i guess i was wrong. yeah. you're right " we NEVER EVER be friends again. " i'll remember that in my whole life. :) im sayin that. you're such a fake. (no offence) you said to me that " you're not good at fighting but see? who started it? " lameo? i knowwwwww right :8)

Monday, May 10, 2010

gaaaaah! such a tiring day :S
AND YEAH. like i said before. im seriously bored with this life sistah.
I really wanna slap this biggy nose girl, kurang ajar wah this girl. i would say. im not even lookin at her and she said that " I AM A GAY? " whaaaat! pergi lah you!
IM NOT GAY, OKAY?! im normal and the fact is im having a relationship with A GUY :D (its a true confession!)
another story..
- I'll be having my second term tests this 13th until 20th! so yeah. wish me luck! :D :D :D not to forget, on the 20th May. its my 1 year 4 months anniversary with fahmi :) and yeah, 27th May. I'll be a sweet seventeen girl living on this jet plane :P hahahahahaha.
AND YEAH. like i said before. im seriously bored with this life sistah.
I really wanna slap this biggy nose girl, kurang ajar wah this girl. i would say. im not even lookin at her and she said that " I AM A GAY? " whaaaat! pergi lah you!
IM NOT GAY, OKAY?! im normal and the fact is im having a relationship with A GUY :D (its a true confession!)
another story..
- I'll be having my second term tests this 13th until 20th! so yeah. wish me luck! :D :D :D not to forget, on the 20th May. its my 1 year 4 months anniversary with fahmi :) and yeah, 27th May. I'll be a sweet seventeen girl living on this jet plane :P hahahahahaha.